hannah's jewelry blog:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

She's Conquered The Big Girl Bed

That's right, it's been almost a month now and Ila has never slept better in her new toddler bed. For several months before, Ila had been waking up 1-3 times per night. It was never for long,  just a "I lost my passy!" ("I chucked it across the room or behind the crib") or "I need blankets!" or the cutest one (though not so cute at 2am) "Mommy Daddy love you!" (Meaning she just needed me to say that to her). For these months it was easier to go get the dang passy for 1 minute and go back to sleep than to let it escalate into her screaming, then climbing out of her crib, opening her door, opening our door, and getting all worked up over the whole ordeal. Not to mention I was worried about her hurting herself. But last month I had had enough, so Ross made her crib into a toddler bed and we put a gate on her door so she couldn't get out. Each night before bed we sat her down and had "a little talk" saying that Mommy and Daddy will still be in the house but we are NOT going to come in her room if she cries for us because Mommy and Daddy need to get their sleep. She would always say "But I don't want to cry!" We did a few practice runs of her getting out of her bed on her own to get a dropped passy or pulling the blankets up herself. She thought it was pretty fun and exciting and slept through the night that first night and just about every night since! I was expecting to get no sleep for about a week and was so amazed the next morning! Thank you toddler bed. Hello sleep.


  1. Go ILA! And way to go Hannah and Ross.
    Please come to our house.

  2. That's so great that it was not as hard as you expected it to be! I remember you mentioning some sleep issues when I saw you in Feb. We are also having passy tossing problems... I may need some advice whenever we get around to that phone date :)
