hannah's jewelry blog:

Friday, October 22, 2010

More Guacanola?

Funny things Ila says:

1. I showed Ila the poison ivy I have on my arm. Her response: "sick."

2. When asking Ila if she'd like me to take her pants off for her nap, she responded with ... (pondering moment of silence . . . "probably yes." She also uses the words "actually" and "maybe" quite often. It's not all that funny until you realize she just turned two and other kids her age at the park are still grunting at best. (Ok, just this one random kid, but I like to use him as a standard comparison).

3. In the mornings we've been eating granola, which Ila repeatedly calls "guacanola" confusing it with guacamole.


  1. So Cute! Thanks for keeping us updated! we miss seeing her so much!

  2. so much laughing is happening right now... you carry the humor so well in your writing!
